Self Publishing Services

Standard Rates in Canadian Funds

Manuscript formatting for Kindle……………………………………………………………………….$1.00 per page
(Includes Title/Copyright page, Dedication page, and Table of Contents. Minimum 40 pages)

Manuscript formatting for Print………………………………………………………………………….$1.00 per page
(Includes Title/Copyright page, Dedication page, and Table of Contents. Minimum 40 pages)

Manuscript formatting for both Kindle & Print at the same time……………………………….$1.50 per page
(Includes Title/Copyright page, Dedication page, and Table of Contents. Minimum 40 pages)

Cover Design for Kindle……………………………………………………………………………………. $100
Cover Design for Print……………………………………………………………………………………… $100

Cover Design for Kindle and Print at the same time……………………………………………….. $150
(Stock images and custom Typography)

Uploading and configuring Kindle version to Amazon……………………………………………. $50
Uploading and configuring print version to Amazon………………………………………………. $50
Uploading and configuring both versions to Amazon at the same time………………………. $75

Creating Video trailer for your book……………………………………………………………………. $50 per minute
(You provide the script and images)
Creating Video trailer for your book……………………………………………………………………. $100 per minute
(I provide the script and images)

ISBN numbers………………………………………………………………………………………………… $5 each
(Different ISBN required for Kindle, Paperback, and Hard Cover)

Free ISBN numbers if I add Published by W.H Gould Publishing on the Copyright page.

Publishing Services Application

  • Full copyright protection remains with you for the document you upload. If this is an editing or proofreading job then copyright for all suggested changes remains with W. H. Gould Publishing until the agreed upon fee is paid in full, at which time full rights immediately revert to you.
